•   guidance@ustangelicum.edu.ph

  • 8732-3725 loc. 108 & 151

Guidance Counseling and Testing Department

The guidance program of activities is designed to answer the needs of the clientele in developing themselves intellectually, spiritually, morally, socially, aesthetically, emotionally and physically.

It aids them in their adjustment and leads them to responsible self-direction in solving problems accompanying growth to Christian maturity. The guidance program serves as supportive functions in the educational process. The office directs and controls activities to help each individual develop to his fullest potentials.

The Guidance Counseling and Testing Department is the office designated to administer admission tests to incoming learners since 1979 with the key areas on the learners’ personal concerns and needs, academic counseling, career information, educational and job placement.

It is located at the ground floor of the St. Thomas Building. The Guidance Counseling and Testing Department assists all learners gain the maximum benefit from their educational experiences through counseling and guidance in relationship to their academic and personal needs.

The counselor's role is essentially characterized by understanding, acceptance and empathy with the Learners in order to aid in their emotional and educational growth. Counseling is an integral part of the school, particularly with the complex and involved situations with which learners are confronted in their daily routines.

In accordance to the school’s Vision Statement, the Guidance Counseling and Testing Department envisions to continuously provide quality services geared towards the empowerment of learners’ values and potentials thus, fostering an environment where learners can effectively cope with life’s demands through a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

UST Angelicum College Guidance Counseling and Testing Department aims to utilize quality Guidance Services designed and implemented to foster learning of essential life skills in facing the challenges brought about by the inevitable changes in the learners’ environment.


The counseling services aim to help students resolve personal day-to-day difficulties and acquire the attitudes, abilities, and knowledge that will enable them to take full advantage of the experiences to be successful.


The Information/ Orientation service aims to support and participate in the orientation activities of the school for all learners, parents and learning facilitators with focus on guidance-related information specifically the different guidance services and programs.


The Individual Inventory service is a systematic way of gathering facts about the learners to better understand their needs and efficiently satisfy the learner’s requirements.


The Admissions service aims to efficiently assess the learner-applicants’ academic potential through submitted requirements as basis for admission to the school.


The follow-up service aims to determine the needs of the counselee(s) after a series of working/helping processes. This service aims to learn where former students transferred, or where graduates are currently working and how they are doing in their jobs as well as the percentages of those who pursue further education.


This program aims to assist learners in choosing the right career and school for their further studies.


Group Guidance activities are 45 minutes to 1-hour activities that aim to promote values and skills among learners/ students that will help them maximize their full potential and become productive members of the society. The Group Guidance program aims to promote communication, friendship and brotherhood among learners. It is designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to become effective facilitators, thus serving as the support arm of the department to the community.


The Guidance Counseling and Testing Department of UST Angelicum College accepts internships to college students who are pursuing a degree on Psychology to learn on rendering of the different services of the Guidance Department aligned with the Educational Setting in their course.


The Guidance Circle aims to provide training and experiences to interested learners who may give assistance and support to their peers and classmates who may be experiencing difficulties. The Leadership Training/ Academy aims to promote the development of active leadership skills among the student leaders of UST Angelicum College. Specifically, it aims to develop strategies how to build influence with people, to learn how to motivate and empower other people to achieve team’s goal and to discern how to implement servant leadership.


The testing service aims to effectively assess the learner’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the individual and group needs to appropriately determine activities that shall assist the learners in their total development.


Research aims to obtain feedback from the learners, parents and other members of the UST Angelicum community regarding the effectiveness of the guidance service and evaluation of the guidance activities in meeting the needs of the learners and to improve the services rendered.

The logo is made up of a circle that symbolizes wholeness, unity, protection and safety. Inside the circle is a human figure, with a tree inside, a helping hand and laurel leaves. The human figure symbolizes the learner seeking guidance, while the tree symbolizes the strength and perseverance of a learner's spirit. The helping hand symbolizes the guidance counselor’s support and encouragement and the laurel leaves around the human figure symbolize the department’s commitment to excellence through research, as well as its role in the academic life of a learner, which includes learning life lessons, developing and honing talents, and discovering career paths through the various services of the Department.

Colors used in the logo are Blue, Green, Yellow, and White. Blue is a color that symbolizes trust and security, while Green symbolizes growth, renewal, hope, and optimism. Yellow symbolizes optimism and creativity, while White symbolizes trust and professionalism.

Overall, the logo is a simple and yet effective representation of the UST Angelicum’s guidance counseling & testing department. It conveys a sense of trust, safety, support, and encouragement. It also reflects the department's commitment to helping learners find their way and achieve their goals.